If a person seeking help has already contacted the Law Centre by Phone, the triage worker can choose to Merge enquiries. Find the Merge button within Enquiry Details. You will need the number of the enquiry you wish to merge with.
If a person who is seeking help tells you that they need help with more than one legal problem and you have to assign the enquiry to multiple team members, you can duplicate the enquiry and assign one legal problem to one team and the other legal problem to another team.
When you select Duplicate this enquiry you will be prompted to select which aspects you want to duplicate. This will determine what bits are duplicated.
EnquiryDesk is a tool that helps Law Centres manage enquiries from a single platform regardless of the format of the original enquiry.
Good to know: EnquiryDesk brings together your phone calls, emails, text messages and contact forms into one platform. It enables triage workers to process these enquiries in a person-centred way.
A person seeking help may contact your Law Centre in any of the following ways:
By Contact Form (on your Law Centre website)
By Text Message (for example, via a WhatsApp service)
EnquiryDesk can manage any of these scenarios. Below we outline how each one works.
People seeking help and their referrers can contact the Law Centre by Phone. These Phone calls can be handled within EnquiryDesk.
To ensure that you can receive calls, make sure that you turn on your Availability. Toggle between your availability by clicking your username, and selecting Accept Calls. From here you can also adjust which Microphone you want to use.
A Green dot will appear when you can Accept calls
A Red dot will appear when you have selected Do not accept calls
When a person contacts your Law Centre, if your status is set to Available, you will receive a notification that someone is trying to reach you. To take a note during the call, open the Enquiry by selecting View Enquiry.
To take a note during the call, select Enquiry Details. This will open a new side
To change the settings associated with receiving calls through EnquiryDesk, head over to our documentation on Configuration.
People seeking help and their referrers can contact the Law Centre by Emaill. These emails can be handled within EnquiryDesk.
Any action taken on emails (reply to an email, send a new email) is mirrored in the email client. That means, if your Law Centre is using Outlook and a person contacts the Law Centre by email and you reply using EnquiryDesk, you will be able to view the reply in Outlook Sent items.
EnquiryDesk supports:
Email reply templates
Email signature footers
Email composer functionality
To and CC fields
Handling of Junk and Marketing emails
To configure these settings for your Law Centre, head over to Configuration.
If a person seeking help walks in or contacts the Law Centre via means other than by email, phone or text, you can add their details and process the enquiry in the same way you would with phone calls and emails.
To receive enquiries from your contact form on your website, set up an integration under Configuration > Integrations > Contact Forms > Settings. This will enable you to collect data about specific fields (keeps data structured).
To set up a referral partner, for example Citizens Advice, add their details under Configuration > Referrers. This will enable you to record the number of referrals made by that referrer and also ensure when enquiries are received they are managed seperately.
To add a referrer to a help-seeker's contact record, select Contact Details, then choose Referrer under Type of Contact. You will not overwrite the details of the help-seeker.
To contact a help-seeker by text, use their phone number or WhatsApp (if enabled).